Atlantic Canadian Immigration Trends
This project is a collaboration between Yoko Yoshida and Howard Ramos at Dalhousie University. It looks at immigrant profiles to Atlantic Canada and their economic outcomes using administrative data from the Longitudinal Immigration Database. The project also examines issues of immigrant retention and integration across immigration pathways.
Outputs from Project
Yoshida, Yoko, Michael Haan, Jonathan Amoyaw, Howard Ramos, and Iqbal Chowdhury. 2018. "Research note on different methods of estimating retention rates of immigrants using the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) 2014." Perceptions of Change Project.
Yoshida, Yoko and Howard Ramos. 2017. "A Brief Overview of Demographic and Economic Profiles of Immigrant Taxfilers to Atlantic Canada." Perceptions of Change Project.
Yoshida, Yoko and Howard Ramos. 2017. "Demographic and Economic Profiles of Immigrant Taxfilers to Atlantic Canada." Perceptions of Change Project.
Yoshida, Yoko, Howard Ramos and Madine VanderPlaat. 2016. "How do the Economic Outcomes of Economic Versus Family Sponsored Immigrants Compare?" Canadian Diversity 13(1): 25-29.
Yoshida, Yoko, Howard Ramos, Madine VanderPlaat, Gerry Mills and Nabiha Atallah. 2015. "Who Are Recent Immigrants and What Are Their Economic Activities? An Analysis of Socio-Demographic Profiles and Economic Activities Acress Immigration Categories." Pathways to Prosperity.
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